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Providers Who Listen

It only takes one bad healthcare experience to lose trust in the system. At Hinds Family Care, we know we can't undo the past, but we can try to change your experience going forward. 



Healthcare is for you

At Hinds Family Care, you are neither a number nor a demographic. Our care team is made up providers and staff from varied backgrounds who want to ensure that you feel comfortable with your care and heard by your care providers. We work to provide culturally competent care to patients who have been hesitant to access healthcare in the past due to bad experiences or, in many cases, cultural resistance. Everyone deserves care from someone who listens, understands them and has had similar life experience to them. We do our best to meet this need and regularly expand the care team to reflect differing identities. 

You are welcome here. 

$19 per month and $39 per visit

Your First Month

Upon sign up, you will schedule for your visit with your provider. The first month costs $39. You'll receive forms to complete in advance, and then receive notifications and updates for information related to your care.

Long-Term Support

The ongoing program is $19 per month, which includes access to unlimited primary care visits with your team. Each visit costs $39. You may need to be seen for follow up, prescription refills, sick visits or other primary care needs. We welcome you for all of them. 

Labs and Prescriptions

After your first visit, your provider will share a treatment plan or follow up plan. You may be sent for labs, imaging, prescriptions or care referrals.  If you're not appropriate for treatment virtually, you will be referred for in-person services. 

Paperwork and Referrals

We provide as much support for our patients as we can. If you need assistance with forms for access to agency programs, referrals for additional care, supportive documentation for claims, just ask. We want to help however we can.

Click here to become a patient. 

Questions? Click "Chat with us" in the bottom right. 

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